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MB Defensive Tactics-Bodyguard related training and courses
MB Defensive Tactics-International Close Protection, Tactical Firearms for Bodyguards, Empty Hands Combat for Bodyguards

If  you won’t Invest into your ability to Protect Yourself, You will Be a Trophy for Your Assailant !

We started Bodyguard-related Defensive Tactics Projects for Security Professionals and Ordinary people in 2012. Since then, the situation with the safety is getting worst.

We took part in various courses. In some of them, we found how to do things right, and in some-what not to do.

But that didn't meet our expectations HOW TO DO THE RIGHT THING AND DO IT RIGHT. So we made our courses. Courses for all of us.


Our Vision:

  • Be Clear and Do it Simple!

  • Our goal is not to criticize others but to find and share good practices (experience, skills, and knowledge) and eliminate mistakes (and various nonsense) to improve our chances to Survive in Real Combat (both Empty Hands and Armed).

  • You Fight like you Train. We Train to Adapt to Uncertainties and Improvise to be able to Execute Tasks and Survive.
  • Expected Situation Determines Preparation.

Human Behavior Model- Wrong Expectations:


  • Most  People Don’t Know how to behave in Extreme situations. They Expect that Someone will Protect Them (Police, Security, Batman ..)


  • Most  Professionals (Police, Security..) are Not Ready for that type of situation too and they CAN'T DEFEND EVEN THEMSELF!



Safety of Community  starts from Personal Safety:


  • You can only Protect Your Family and Others when You Can Protect Yourself

      Our Duty is to be Strong. This is the only way to build Safe Community.


  • The Only Chance to Survive- to be Ready To Survive.


  • We all are Warriors and Life is a Battle.

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