If you won’t Invest to your ability to Protect Yourself You become a Trophy of Your Assailant !
Tactical Firearms for Close Protection Operatives - Bodyguards
Why this program is needed:
With decades of various Combat training with Private Armed Security, Police, and Army SF we came to conclusions :
Most of Tactical Firearms courses (programs) are typical Basic Army Shooting courses with some funny stuff from Sport Practical Shooting drills and fancy show of various combat uniforms and gear.
Plus most of Tactical Firearms courses (programs) are built for big Close Protection Teams with proper Logistic and Power Support.
Our program is Designed for Small Bodyguards - Close Protection Operatives Groups (1-5 operatives) operating in Hostile Environment without any logistic and Power Support.
Our concept - Task Orientated Adaptation and Improvisation to Perform Effectively and Safely through a Real Fire-Fight.
Our project was built keeping in mind, that Situation Determines Preparation :
License no: ICPTA 669
PRINCIPLES of TRAINING of Tactical Firearms for Close Protection n Operatives / Bodyguards (Survival Mindset achieved through Practical Exercises (not just theory))
1. 360 degree workout in Crowd;
2. Prevention of Provocations;
3. CQB/CQC link (switching between Armed Combat and Empty Hands Combat);
4. Making right decisions: Sorting problems out instead of making troubles;
5. MUST be an optimal ratio between Reality Training and Safety;
6. Survival Mindset achieved through Practical Exercises (not just theory);
7. How to Perform Effectively and Safely through a Real Fire-Fight;
8. Achieve Combat Mindset and Train to Respond to Real Threat;
9. Rules of Engagement -Level of force is determined by the assailant!
CONCEPT of Tactical Firearms for Bodyguards (with keeping in Mind):
Difference between the Tactics of Getting into Different Shooting Positions in Hostile Environment and Shooting Tactics (Principles of Shooting).
VITAL: Importance of switching between Close Quarter Empty Hand Combat (CQC) and Armed Close Quarter Combat (CQB);
Importance of: Stress Management and Making Right Decisions, Avoiding Unnecessary Casualties;
Coordination of Teamwork (Close Protection Team Teamwork and Communication) and 360-degree workout in a Crowd;
Crowd Control: Conflict Management, Blending with Crowd, Prevention of Provocations;
Defensive Tactics: Tactical Firearms for Close Protection Operatives / Bodyguards
The Main Principles - Situation Determines Preparation:
360-degree workout with the gun in Crowd;
Safety (Gun down/up/holster);
Prevention of Provocations;
CQC-CQB link.
Course units:
1. Theory, Principles, Safety;
1.2. Weapon Familiarization+ Dry drills+CQC-CQB link;
1.3 Safety Rules+Dry Drills + CQC-CQB link;
2. Tactical Pistol;
3. Tactical Rifle;
4. Double Guns;
5. Anti Ambush (Vehicles) DRILLS.
Portfolio of Achievements :
describe, explain, demonstrate
Students Notes-Theory Test: Google Forms
Video of achievements/Practical Assessments;
Practical Assessment Form -Acceptable-Good-Perfect.
THE LEARNING OUTCOMES of Tactical Firearms for Close Protection Operatives / Bodyguards (normally begin with):
be able to :
behave safely with the gun - know safety procedures with guns (Don't Shoot yourself, your friend, or anyone you don't want to shoot)
calculate risks (Risk Assessment) of armed assaults and make the right decisions for Defense ( rules of engagement, reasonable force-deadly force)
Shoot in Target precisely;
To Work with Team;
To Work in Crowd;
Use Pistol/Rifle properly;
Switch between guns ( if stoppage or out of ammo );
CQC-CQB link (switching between Armed Combat and Empty Hands Combat);
know how :
Control yourself;
Make the right decisions;
To Sort problems out instead of making troubles;
How to use your Body Properly - Culture of Movements, Biomechanics;
How to Switch between Armed Defense and Empty Hand Defense ( Defensive Tactics).
Principles of Biomechanics of Human Body ( How to use your body and build up your Physical Condition);
Principles of Psychical Reactions in stress/hostile Environment (self-management and self-control, self-discipline);
Timings - When and What to do in a Hostile Environment;
Principles of Counter Terror Awareness;
PRINCIPLES of Tactical Firearms for Close Protection Operatives / Bodyguards-Reality of Training:
MUST be an optimal ratio between Reality Training and Safety;
Achieve that and Train to Respond to Real world Threats;
How to Perform Effectively through a Fire-Fight;
Combat Preparedness;
Skill Level: Bio-mechanics, Weapon Handling and Movement (One-Hit Qualification Baseline + Engagement and Team Work
Stress Level: Utilizing Fear and Eliminating Anxiety (Getting from Beta wave to Alpha wave-Using Breathing and Impulse Acceleration)
Killing Enabling Factors: Survival Mindset achieved through Practical Exercises (not just theory) - Rules of Engagement: Level of force is determined by the assailant! :
3.1 Immediate danger vs Immanent danger;
3.2 Go! – Don’t Go! vs Hesitation
3.3 Spontaneous and adaptive Response vs reflex Reaction
3.4 Move mind-set from -“What if…?” to “IF …THEN!”
3.5 It is only over when it is over! You are not dead until you are dead!
Principles of CQC-CQB link for Tactical Firearms for Close Protection Operatives / Bodyguards:
Biomechanical Principles of the Human Body:
Anatomical Construction of Human Body-FRAME;
Principles of POWER - Body Mass+Speed+ Unbalance+Weakest Points;
Power goes from the Legs - Squat +Move.
Psychical Reactions - Models of Human Behavior:
Do it Slow;
Principles of Speed : Speed of Reaction, Speed of Recognition, Variations of Speed of Different Parts of Body, Speed of Synchronization of Opposite Muscles, Speed of Execution of Task ...SPEED= SUM OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF SPEED.
Principles of Self-Control: Methods of Concentration +Breathing;
Concept of Creating Chances - when you don't have any chance to survive -create it;
Crowd Control: Normal-Abnormal, Prevention of Provocations, Principles of Crowd Behavior, Blending with Crowd.
Timings-Tactics ( 360º Individual/ Team Tactics in Crowd with the Weapons)
Individual Town Combat Tactics and Principles for Close Protection Operatives / Bodyguards:
Body Positions (Squat) +Move+Changing of Levels;
Individual Shooting Drills ( safety principles, one hand, two hands, double guns, movements, changes of magazine, stopage drills, cqc-cqb links..)
Bodyguard+VIP Tactical Firearms Drills: Assets between Vip and Threat - Remove Threat -Remove VIP.
Close Protection Team Combat Tactics and Principles:
Small Close Protection Teams Tactics ( 2-6); " Dress Down"-" Dress Up" ;cover of Sectors of Responsibility;
Counter Attack-Assault Drills-Remove Threat-Close Protection Team drills;
"Peeling"- Movements with Cover of Fire-Close Protection Team drills;
CQC-CQB Close Protection TeamDRILLS.
1. Theory, Principles, Safety;
Learning Outcomes – The learner will understand :
Assessment Criteria – The learner can state what is a:
1.1 Laws and Regulations
1.1.1 Reasonable Force;
Necessary - Reasonable in Circumstances - Proportional
1.1.2 Deadly Force (Killing Enabling Factors)
Remsberg (1986) states:
Survivability for prepared individual:
75% mental preparation
15% skill
5% physical ability
5% luck
Survivability for unprepared individual:
5% mental preparation
15% skill
5% physical ability
75% luck
- Luck is not a factor that is dependable!
- Survival Mindset achieved through Practical Exercises (not just theory):
- Understanding of theory is necessary but not sufficient in itself.
- Reality based scenarios should reconstruct situations that practically test the survival mindset.
1.1.3 Rules of Engagement (Level of force is determined by the assailant! ):
it is the immediate danger presented by the threat that determines the level of response required – mere presence, tactical communication, physical intervention, and lethal force.
Immediate hot debriefs after an action scenario is useful to require shooters to account for their decisions. This will help to eliminate the “freeze” mindset of hesitation in the face of conflicting psychological tensions around the use of force, situational awareness, and decision-making
Immediate danger vs Immanent danger
The danger must be immediate to justify the use of lethal force. Drills should simulate the transition from imminent to immediate danger.
Go! – Don’t Go! vs Hesitation
Spontaneous and adaptive Response vs reflex Reaction
Situational awareness of the circumstances alongside reality-based scenarios will help to
cultivate spontaneous and adaptive responses rather than reflex reaction that is unfocused
and dangerous. Drills can be constructed to develop rapid recovery time from the shock of ambush.
Use of lethal force, whilst justified, might not be necessary. Training scenarios that differentiate between circumstances where the balance of restraint is weighed up and decisions are made on the basis of necessity and proportionality and not only on justification. (e.g. You may be justified in shooting a hostage taker but it might not be necessary. This is why SWAT team snipers, even if they have a target, obtain clearance from command structures before taking the shot.)
Move mindset from -“What if…?” to “IF …THEN!”
“What if …?” mindset induces anxiety and worry.
“If… then!” mindset is borne out of training, preparation, adaptability and improvisation.
It is only over when it is over! You are not dead until you are dead! - Concept Chances : https://public.3.basecamp.com/p/DxPViNKDJhiT13NaP3Gq5yLx
1.2. Weapon Familiarization+ Dry drills
Learning Outcomes – the learner will understand and use it properly:
Assessment Criteria – the learner can use the gun safe and properly:
1.2.1 Induction into using of gun:
Weapon handling bio-mechanics to carry, deploy and move with the weapon so that you
don’t shoot yourself;
don’t shoot your friends;
don’t shoot anyone you don’t want to shoot.
1.2.2 Stoppages/ change of magazine;
1.2.3 Crowd Simulations-360 degree, gun down/up/holster (dry-live fire drills) ;
1.2.4 CQC-CQB link (switching between Armed Combat and Empty Hands Combat);
1.3 Safety Rules+Dry Drills + CQC-CQB link
Learning Outcomes – the learner will understand and always keep them:
Assessment Criteria – the learner can use a gun safe by keeping these rules:
1.3.0 Standard Safety Procedures:
1.3.2 Don’t Kill Yourself ;
1.3.3 Don’t kill your friend ;
1.3.4 Don’t kill anyone you are not going to kill ;
1.3.5 Don’t keep your finger on the trigger;
1.3.6 Gun Down/Up/in the holster;
1.3.7 Safety ON after Shooting;
1.3.8 Safe way to inspect guns after shooting;
2. Tactical Pistol.
Learning Outcomes – the learner will be competent on :
Assessment Criteria – the learner can use the pistol safe and proper way:
2. PISTOL DRILLS (dry + live fire)
Principles of Preparation of Drills:
One-Hit Qualification Baseline
Hit a 12.7cm x 25.4cm (5in x 10in) target at a bladed angle from a “ready gun” position at 5-10-15 meters with proper Reaction and Timing to Assault.
The ability to do this provides a baseline skill level to build upon.
Drills can be extended to:
single shooter drills on the move;
shooting on different levels (standing, sitting, crouching, lying);
recovery drills (being pushed and being pushed over).
Engagement and TeamWork
Threat Recognition – Movement/Draw – Cover – Communicate – Shoot – Follow Through – Assess.
All this above as a single chunk of motor memory – ENGAGE!
Team-work and movement (adaptation, improvisation) “crowd” work.
Stress Level (Stress inducers):
Timed Shooting
Distraction (noise and physical)
Fatigue (running, press-ups, squats)
Selective targets
Pistol Drills Structure:
2.1 Pistol Precision Drills (static);
2.2 Pistol Precision Drills (dynamic);
2.3 Pistol-Crowd Simulation;
2.4 Pistol-Multiple Targets;
2.5 Stoppages/ change of magazine;
2.6 Pistol-Bodyguard+VIP drills (4 directions);
2.7 Pistol-Close Protection Team Anti Ambush drills( 4 directions);
2.8 Pistol-Team Drills;
2.9 V-Counter attack drill (2-5 Close Protection Team members);
2.9.1 Peeling drills (2-5 Close Protection Team members);
2.9.2 Line+ back to formation (2-5 Close Protection Team members);
3. Tactical Rifle
Learning Outcomes – the learner will be competent on :
Assessment Criteria – the learner can use the rifle safe and proper way:
3. Tactical Rifle - Principles of Preparation of Drills:
One-Hit Qualification Baseline
Hit a 12.7cm x 25.4cm (5in x 10in) target at a bladed angle from a “ready gun” position at 15-25-50 meters with proper Reaction and Timing to Assault.
The ability to do this provides a baseline skill level to build upon.
Drills can be extended to:
single shooter drills on the move;
shooting on different levels (standing, sitting, crouching, lying);
recovery drills (being pushed and being pushed over).
Engagement and TeamWork
Threat Recognition – Movement/Draw – Cover – Communicate – Shoot – Follow Through – Assess.
All this above as a single chunk of motor memory – ENGAGE!
Team-work and movement (adaptation, improvisation) “crowd” work.
Stress Level (Stress inducers):
Timed Shooting
Distraction (noise and physical)
Fatigue (running, press-ups, squats)
Selective targets
Rifle drills - Structure:
3.1 Rifle Precision Drills (static);
3.2 Rifle Precision Drills (dynamic);
3.3 Rifle-Crowd Simulation;
3.4 Rifle-Multiple Targets;
3.5 Stoppages/ change of magazine;
3.6 Rifle-Bodyguard+VIP drills(4 directions);
3.7 Rifle-Close Protection Team Anti Ambush drills(4 directions);
3.8 Rifle-Close Protection Team Drills;
3.9 V-Counter attack drill (2-5 Close Protection Team members);
3.9.1 Peeling drills (2-5 Close Protection Team members) ;
3.9.2 Line+ back to formation (2-5 Close Protection Team members);
4. Double Guns
Learning Outcomes – the learner will be competent on :
Assessment Criteria – the learner can do it the safe and proper way
4. Double Guns DRILLS (dry +live fire)
(Combination of drills of 2-3):
4.1 Stoppages - change of guns;
4.2 Line + back to the formation (2-5 Close Protection Team members);
5. Anti Ambush-Cars (dry +live fire Close Protection Team drills)
Learning Outcomes – the learner will be competent on :
Assessment Criteria – the learner can do it the safe and proper way
5.1 Embus / Debus-Close Protection Team drills;
5.2 Exchange of cars-Close Protection Team drills;
5.3 Retreat on foot-Close Protection Team drills.